Ways to Serve

At Northbrook Covenant, there are many ways to serve our church, our community, and beyond. In addition to serving with our youth group, children and families ministries, and our worship team, below you will find a few ways you can get involved.

  • Sunday Service

    There are a number of roles that people in our congregation fill to make Sunday services happen. If you are interested in helping facilitate worship for our community, get in touch with the people below. 

    If you would like to greet, read Scripture, serve as an usher, serve communion, or count the offering, please contact Bob: rolson823@gmail.com

    If you would like to help operate sound or projection (we can train you!), please contact Pastor José: joseg.northbrookcov@gmail.com

  • Hospitality

    An important part of Sunday is fellowship and connecting with one another after the service, often done over sweets and coffee. It doesn't happen without our hospitality team. 

    If you are interested in serving on hospitality, please contact Kris: krisdahlberg@yahoo.com

  • Hunger free Northbrook

    Approximately 400 students are on free or reduced lunch programs in Northbrook schools. As part of a task force for the Hunger Free Northbrook Initiative, we partner with the Hunger Resource Network and other community organizations to provide bags of groceries to students to help with lunches for the weekends and parts of the calendar when they are not in school. 

    Contact Pastor José to participate: joseg.northbrookcov@gmail.com

  • Northfield Food Pantry

    It's estimated that 1 in 10 households in Northbrook are food insecure. The Northfield Food Pantry services food insecure households in Northbrook, Northfield, and Glenview. Some of our members volunteer as their availability allows from month to month. 

    For more information, contact Pastor José: joseg.northbrookcov@gmail.com

  • Cornerstone Outreach

    Cornerstone Community Outreach is an outreach located in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood to individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Members of our church donate items of need to the outreach. 

    To donate to Cornerstone, contact Bonnie: wm.northbrookcov@gmail.com